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Legless Fuck

Legs? Who needs legs? All this fat piece of shit needs is a vaginal opening. Her belly button would probally suffice.

2,302,610 views 02/08/08 Amputee

That Looks Infected

She didn't use a pussy pump. This is a real vagina infection. Take a close look people. I'm going to pop it with a needle.

1,464,340 views 02/03/08 Bizarre

Wrong Hole - OOPS!

Pee Wee needs to bring a flashlight next time so that he can better navigate the path to her vagina.

3,380,684 views 01/31/08 Wrong Holes

Vagina Weight Lifting 2

I'd like to see her pull a small car with those meat curtains. That would actually impress me.

1,286,808 views 12/26/07 Bizarre

Whale Vagina

Have you guys ever seen that old horror movie The Blob? Her pussy is going to eat you alive lolz.

2,835,269 views 11/02/07 Gallery

Queen Of Loose Vagina

Sounds like he's fuckin a jar of mayonnaise.

1,667,836 views 09/03/07 Loose

Spasmodic Orgasmus

I like to believe this has less to do with his cock and more to do with her vagina. Some girls are just extremely sensitive down there, and I think that even a 3 inch pecker such as my own could produce the same results. Don't pity me for having hope.

3,828,540 views 08/30/07 Ridiculous Orgasms

Assisted Entry

Okay so both his dick & hand are in her vagina and he seems to be masterbating...internally.

3,709,368 views 12/29/06 Loose

Man Eating Vagina

There's an easy way around this one - just stick it in her ass! It's tighter, warmer & more degrading!

1,710,774 views 11/26/06 Asians

Clit Piercing

God damn, that is one fucking nasty vagina!

2,163,416 views 03/29/06 Modifications
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