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Modern Love Letter

17,215 views 11/22/24 Crazy

Finger Painting

16,170 views 08/12/24 Nasty

Self Portrait

31,849 views 06/28/24 WTF

Happy Valentines Day 2024

18,109 views 02/14/24 Crazy

The Worst Tattoos in Porn 2023

For fuck sakes, these dorks could've thrown a dart at any billboard in Las Vegas and found better ideas to attach to their bodies permanently. I haven't seen people this far out of their comfort zones since the launch of Burger King's ultimate breakfast platter.

883,311 views 04/24/23 Fail

Her Biggest Fan

36,862 views 01/04/23 Crazy

He Only Has One Rule

Dude looks like he walked into a tattoo parlor and said "yes". Luckily he's hung like a brontosaurus to round out these constructive life decisions. Not sure I was expecting that twist at the end though. Kinda reinforcing the whole don't judge a book by it's cover thing, aren't we?

1,676,335 views 10/06/22 LULZ

This Can't Be Real 2

37,076 views 08/03/22 WTF

This Is Art 23

58,323 views 03/31/22 Crazy


Kinda want to emphasize those gravity bags reaching maximum velocity around the 5:00 minute mark. Jell-o has spent over 100 years trying to market physics like this and have failed miserably in comparison. Turns out all you need is a 1-bedroom apartment in Latvia and a c-section scar to make math fun again.

1,710,888 views 03/07/22 Chaturbate CAMTASTROPHES

Dickachu (Gallery)

58,925 views 02/21/22 Fail

Daddy's Little Psychopath

Ya know for a girl that's spent this much time in tattoo parlors, you'd think a forehead big enough for UBER to charge $17 to go from nose to scalp would get a little bit more attention. Then again, something tells me rational thinking isn't one of the tenants of someone who writes "when I fuck i dont give a fuck" 6 inches away from their shitter.

1,870,185 views 08/19/21 Crazy

Gay Tattoo

118,787 views 12/31/20

The Deal Breaker

Classic case of overconfidence. If only he put as much effort into his hygiene as she did into Walmart bathrooms she choose to get tattooed in, then maybe this permanent mark on his resume could have been avoided. Live, learn and always wipe twice.

1,852,774 views 07/31/20 Fail

700 Reasons Not to Get Married

200 women, 500 men, an uncountable amount of dollar store tattoos and a dead ex-husband are just the tip of the cuntberg for this self-proclaimed 'human cockroach'. I do have to say though, that vagina is in remarkable condition for a lady that has more mileage than Al Bundy's Dodge Duster. [More Info = HERE]

5,464,856 views 08/08/18 Gallery

The Living Legend: FUCKMEAT

There's a thin line between trailer park erotica, and soul-deep emotional trauma. Where that line exists I don't know... but judging by the amount of dollar store tattoos I'm seeing on that body, I'd say this human Hindenburg sure as fuck does.

2,371,760 views 09/10/17 WTF

Girlfriend Of The Year 2K17

Bridge piercing, stomach tattoos and the occasional rush to the emergency room for soft tissue damage. May I be so bold to say I haven't seen this level of intensity since The Shining.

4,140,752 views 08/13/17 Amateur

Piercing His GFs Clit [THEN FUCKING HER]

I don't think she wanted her clit pierced, but she asks her boyfriend if he was sure about it and he assured her he was. She goes between pain, pleasure and ends up in tiny convulsions. Fun times!

3,256,699 views 04/11/15 Modifications

Ratchet Sex Tape Fails

Ratchet is what you get if a "ghetto hood rat" and a "chicken head" have a fatherless child that becomes a stripper or aspiring rapper with Tupac quotes for tattoo's and eight ratchet kids of their own.

2,319,462 views 11/18/13 LULZ
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