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Porn Scenes Worthy of an Oscar 4

If you've ever powered through Fred Durst's 2019 classic "The Fanatic" then nothing will seem out of place. For the other 99.999% of the population: Prepare to be subjected to the kind of cringe Saturday Night Live has been filling their diaper with for the past 2 decades. And tits.

2,363,999 views 10/06/14 Porn Scenes Worthy of an Oscar

How To Get Pink Eye

Full Scene Here

107,215 views 08/06/14

Semen and Strife

See that pretty face? Well, that's all you get because she's too busy getting seizure-fucked in the face by a cock raging french guy the entire clip to look at the camera. #rekt

4,380,190 views 07/16/14 Woodman Casting X Orgasms

Daughter of the Year

There was a Russian potter, that had a Russian daughter, that one day fucked a man and told him about her father. The Russian man, who was a Fan, was never more proud of his daughter.

3,665,647 views 06/24/14 LULZ

The Anal Full Nelson

When an Azn teenager is reluctant to finish getting ass fucked, it's this guy's cue to utilize a pro-wrestling style submission maneuver and ride it home. Featuring acting so good Kirk Cameron would shed a single tear.

5,671,075 views 01/23/14 Favorites

The Meanest Breakdowns

In all the English language, there is no word to describe taking pleasure at someone's misfortunes. No opposite of envy. The German's call it "schadenfreude" and they were nazi's once.

4,935,993 views 11/29/13 Fail

Butt Sex Sends Poor Girl to the ER

Every dirty slut should know that a slippery fuck toy plus a cavernous butthole can equal a trip to the ER. Next time save yourself the embarrassing shuffle through the waiting room and tie a string to that mother fucker.

2,946,924 views 10/07/13 Insertions

Ass to Mouth with Consequences

You gotta admire commitment in anything. This young lady was so devoted to the scene that when it came to anal, she soldiered through it. When it came time for the cum shot, she fellates his fecal flavored ram rod without hesitation.

4,340,685 views 08/31/13 Woodman Casting X LULZ

Newb Gangbang Chick Finally Breaks

Take a girl with some obvious daddy issues, throw her in a room with some pussy hungry guys who are into brutality, and what do you get? A very happy and very sore vagina. I think we should give them weapons for round 2.

5,115,437 views 08/22/13 LULZ

Ratchet Hookers Under $20

It's always rough times for busted drug addicted cum dumpsters. Learn what it really takes to become a professional sexual punching bag for the below average Joe willing to risk STD's for cheap sex.

3,235,243 views 08/09/13 Crack Whore Confessions Hookers

Breaking Points

For some of us, it's authoritarian governments. Others, the refusal to make the McRib a permanent menu item. And there's these 5 sacrificial lambs. Who almost made it to the finish line with guys who consider Brazilian jiu-jitsu a sexual fetish.

4,469,471 views 06/11/13 Breakdowns

The Creepiest Motherfucker in Porn

If there's a book out there on what NOT to do during intercourse, I'd say this dude just paved the way for a fucking trilogy. Nevermind his Rosie O'Donnell-like figure, or his unsettling fetish for floppy disks. The real prize is at the 2.48 mark. Ladies and gentleman, this motherfucker just single-handedly brought back Planking.

4,966,064 views 05/15/13 White Ghetto LULZ

Porn Scenes Worthy of an Oscar 1

Todays menu: a.) girl manipulates dad into oral sex while mom contemplates suicide b.) leper fucks ass, leper's winky gets decapitated, leper continues to fuck ass anyway and c.) vintage buttrape porn, never fuck with a man that's just lost a game of Old Maid.

4,561,894 views 11/07/12 Porn Scenes Worthy of an Oscar

Passion of the Painal

Whore #3 is quite adorable. She may not understand the consequences, but her facial expressions certainly have a story to tell.. namely "ouch, that hurts", "please hurry up" and "why in the fuck did I quit my job at Hotdog On A Stick for this shit". Live and learn baby.

9,623,569 views 09/07/12 Favorites

Broken Dreams, Broken Buttholes

Compliments aren't my strong point, but I must say... chick in the yellow dress is fucking stunning. I'd readily eat Honey Nut Cherrios out of Philip Seymour Hoffman's crusty asshole just for a chance to hold her hand. Someone Russian please hook it up.

6,325,405 views 08/03/12 Favorites

You Want To Quit... FOR REALZ

B-hole brutally wrecked at the hands of some Italians, likely won't be able to walk straight for a week. No, this isn't my review for the new Parmesan Crusted Steak @ Olive Garden. This is the infamous Rocco vs. Roxy Jezel scene, and you should watch the uncut version via the source link.

5,991,996 views 05/07/12 Painal

13 Most Ridiculous Orgasms Ever

First time squirters, prolapse-induced climaxes and bittersweet hategasms... today's vid has more variety than a fuckin Sizzler salad bar. Best comes last, so I recommend you see this one all the way through.

11,449,197 views 05/02/12 Ridiculous Orgasms


UPDATE: this girl actually emailed me, here's the background story - she lives in a KKK-laden town where 12 inch black wangs are the forbidden fruit. Undeterred, she sought salvation on and ultimately bit off more BBC than her vagina could chew.

9,858,208 views 02/17/12 Amateur

Turtling While 69'ing LOLOLOL

Pug-faced Hispanic drinks herself so numb she doesn't even notice when last night's chimichanga is hanging halfway out her asshole. Her laugh is as bad as her hygiene. Sounds like something Steven Urkel would emit while making love to the dude from Wonder Years. Watch this one all the way through.

4,446,741 views 02/02/12 Fail

LOL: Dude Kills Fly During Rough Anal

I recognize the lisp. It's the same jolly fucker from 'HARDER! Or I Cant Cum' with the unhealthy obsession for rimjobs. Glad to see he's still living life to the fullest - I.E. using your penis to bait, trap and murder insects up some hot chick's asshole.

3,292,941 views 11/02/11 Fail
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