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Fuck Me Like You're Mad

Trashy blonde high off Febreeze channels some standard white-woman rape fanatasies through her dearly beloved Cletus, with the help of an industrial strength Afro dildo. But the real trophy here isnt her orgasm. It's his. Herpa derp, double time.

3,764,513 views 03/01/11 Orgasms

Gangbanged Into Orgasmic Bliss

The sound of interracial lovemaking with Metallica blairing in the backdrop. It's not exactly easy on the ears but if you manage to watch it all the way through... this bitch has a pretty epic chewbaca-like orgasm. just at the end.

3,262,583 views 02/10/11 Orgasms

Big Meaty Balls

He's got a 7 inch penis. You know what that means? He's fuckin John Stamos of the internet. And what better way to assert your superiority than to beat off on camera while talkin dirty in your finest batman voice? You da man.

1,802,807 views 02/10/11 LULZ

Creampie Fail

8 ounces of negro boner brew emptied directly into the cunt gutter. Classy. Problem is.. when time comes to expel the cream filling, an off-menu item plops out along with it. Camerawoman goes completely mute after realizing wtf she's just filmed. Hilarious.

4,101,137 views 01/29/11 Fail

Intellectual Fail

Dude's boner flatlines after getting bitched out, mid-fuck, by some uppity black slut that cant even handle a love tap. From there on it's a war of words and lemme tell you... this dumbfuck doesnt know many. Literally 2 and a half sentences into it and she's already facepalm'ed the fuck out.

2,794,555 views 01/20/11 Fail

Priceless O-Face

Another one of those videos where some pornstar is left flopping around like Terri Schiavo on speed after experiencing the Optimus Prime of all orgasms. This chick takes it a step further, introducing Human Bobblehead Mode at the 1:55 mark. All sorts of awesome.

4,903,926 views 01/09/11 Device Bondage Ridiculous Orgasms

WOW - Redefining Premature Ejaculation

This is epic. Literally just three pecks on the lips and this dude's load is already more spent than a black man's paycheck. He's the fuckin Prefontaine of premature ejaculation.

4,458,311 views 12/20/10 Kobe Surprise Premature

Rotten Crotch

Behind-the-scenes footage from FUCK A FAN, where a cameraman literally pukes himself after catching a whiff of some stank ass pussy. Ultimate humiliation after the culprit is handed a DIY douche kit and directed to the bathroom.

3,012,579 views 12/13/10 Fuck A Fan Fail

Endless Orgasm Causes Brain Damage

Using some sort of futuristic device stolen off the set of Stargate SG-1, this woman's clitoris is vibrated into an orgasmic oblivion. Imagine if the lead characters of both The Exorcist and I Am Sam were delicately molded into one - this woman is what you'd get.

7,111,653 views 11/10/10 Ridiculous Orgasms

College Class On Fisting

Crash course on how to effectively turn your lady friend's choco taco into a permanently gaping meat cave, as illustrated by that sassy bitch from Seinfield. Invaluable information really.

2,746,578 views 11/04/10 Fisting

Bad Aim

German dude gets blasted in the face by a fat wad of his own man sauce and nearly pukes all over himself. I guess this kinda invalidates that saying "everyone loves their own brand" haha.

2,864,457 views 10/30/10 Fail


E.T. died and has been reincarnated as a woman. Her tits double as antennas.

619,273 views 09/22/10

18th Birthday

NOW YOURE A MAN! And so is that stripper from the looks of it. Happy birthday goober!

964,966 views 09/22/10 Tranny

Even Women Premature Ejaculate

Lily Thai is ready to gush after just one pump but the cameraman doesn't want his set getting drenched with tuna puree, so she's forced to hold it in till a towel can be found. Funny shit but the real star is the token white guy to her right. PRICELESS facial expression.

7,120,925 views 09/07/10 Earl Miller Ridiculous Orgasms

The Vibrating Pussy

So what's the scientific reasoning behind this one? Either her twat has Parkinson's or this is Hollow Man 3 and that mischievous fuck Kevin Bacon is back with a silenced Hitachi magic wand. Think about it.

3,437,307 views 08/28/10 POV Pervert Bizarre

Comfort Fail

Sativa Rose has a breakdown and walks off set after finding herself overwhelmed by the half dozen cocks she was assigned to fuck. Fortunately the cameraman was kind enough to lend some emotional support: in the form of some surprise butt sex!

3,837,857 views 08/05/10 Fail

She Hates Gangbangs

I bet you 5 bucks and the remainder of my turkey pot pie that this bitch had no clue she'd be fucking Benjamin Franklin (visible at the 4 second mark) & Doogie Howser (1.24 mark) when she volunteered to do a 300 man gangbang. You can literally see the regret in her eyes from start to finish. CLASSIC.

4,035,649 views 07/28/10 LULZ

Awesome Fail

I dont know whats more fucked up: the fact that he's boning a woman older than jesus or how the enjoyment he gets from it leaves him socially retarded and unable to saying anything more than "AWESOME!". This is what happens when you use Craigslist to get your dick wet you dirty motherfuckers.

3,911,617 views 07/26/10 LULZ

Barebacking Gone Wrong

Meet your new idol. He's got more visible STD's than a Compton crackwhore and still manages to pull bitches with ease. This particular skank is a prime example. She sucks his cock as if those warts are Summer fresh blueberries. GAG.

2,165,589 views 07/13/10 Bizarre

The Daughter Of The Year

Pornstar demonstrates her multitasking proskillz by calling up mommy and holding a conversation as she chows down on a can of man-ass. Divided attention really ain't all that bad.

4,386,857 views 07/09/10 LULZ
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