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Something Wrong With That Ass

151,298 views 02/22/16

Time To GTFO

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134,946 views 02/14/16

Going For High Score

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137,668 views 02/12/16

Who Remembers The Macarena

140,259 views 02/10/16

Nap Time

174,001 views 02/10/16

Did You Just Piss On Me

Full Scene Here

181,383 views 02/08/16

10 WTF Momentz in Pornography

Twice as many as five porn scenes that leave you with more questions than answers and more confusion than boners.

6,860,558 views 02/05/16 Favorites

Time To Wake Up 2

132,992 views 02/03/16

Snack Time

141,031 views 01/28/16

Insert Meat Balls Joke Here

176,833 views 01/28/16

Awkward Moments In Porn 6

Auto-fellaters, Braingasms and a straight up public service announcement fists should only be use in a boxing ring. Today's episode is more unforgiving than my local mall security that time I was discovered defecating in Anthropologie's Aromatic and Ambiance fragrance section.

3,827,215 views 01/17/16 Awkward Moments In Porn

First Time Seeing Cum

147,992 views 01/15/16

I Must've Been Drugged!

"XTRAXION: Miguel's Story" A tragic tale of obsession, desperation and loss. Some people just don't know when to stop. Miguel is one of those people.

2,857,316 views 01/09/16 Insertions


This is actually a pretty accurate title, so brace your dicks 'cause you are about to meet a one hundred and ten pound girl with a fuck hole like a wind tunnel.

4,312,191 views 01/04/16 Anal Acrobats Bizarre

TED 3: A Japanese Porn Parody

The long awaited return of America's favorite talking bear. Join Ted in Japan on one of his wackiest adventures yet as he's found himself in the care of a teenage school girl and Ted's going for the Nanking special.

2,117,643 views 12/23/15 The Absurdity of Japanese Pornography
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