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10 WTF Momentz in Pornography

Twice as many as five porn scenes that leave you with more questions than answers and more confusion than boners.

6,878,925 views 02/05/16 Favorites

College Bros Get a Reality Check

Two semesters spent shotgunning Bud Light and using the sink as a toilet? No problemo. Thirty five seconds of experienced squabblenecking? Not a fucking chance. Ladies and gentlegenders - I present to you face of higher education.

2,864,024 views 06/16/19 Bangbros Premature


Bangbros hosts a college party of pornstars and one attendee turns out to be an 18 year old virgin. Can this young incel overcome some gay adversity to finally lose his virginity to two pornstars?

3,130,975 views 08/10/20 Bangbros Virgins
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