Categories / Crazy

I'm not talking about "my ex-girlfriend used to get drunk and fill her butthole with orbeez" kind of crazy. These videos are here to showcase the kind of psychosis that makes celibacy a viable option for a man in his 20's.

2024 Was Pure Fucking Chaos

Another chapter closed in a book that Barnes & Noble insists on displaying in the Sci-Fi section. Normally read in the dimly lit corner of a trailer park that doesn't show up on Google maps, surrounded by Newports and half-eaten cans of Costco's finest meatball ravioli.

1,713,455 views 12/26/24 Favorites

Objectionable Porn That Shouldn't Exist: 5

There's more dead ends behind the eyes in this compilation than an apartment building in Silent Hill. But that vegetable connoisseur in the last video has a butthole that squeezes harder than a retard at a petting zoo, so... sacrifices will be made.

934,998 views 12/02/24 Crazy

Two Reichs Make A Wrong

Here it is. Three minutes of the 2nd most apprehensive plot lines that can escape the human brain during a spirited round of Billy Blanks Tae Bo 3-Pack DVD and resistance bands combo set on sale now at Amazon for Black Friday. Use promo code: BERGHOF

633,843 views 11/18/24 Crazy

Unacceptable Devices XI

If you weigh less than a garbage bag full of Charles In Charge VHS reprints, and have less use than a $5 V-Bux card, chances are you're going to end up in one of these videos. It may not sound like a useful tool to navigate life with... but then you make it to the 7:50 mark.

1,623,845 views 09/30/24 Unacceptable Devices

Revisiting A Legend

For a woman that willingly had oxygen-depriving brain damage inflicted upon her, I gotta say she's pretty upbeat about the whole free for all group sex thing. 347 movies before hitting the eject button is no easy feat either. Especially during an era of pornography when 98lbs was considered obese.

1,003,711 views 09/26/24 Crazy

Men Without Dicks

We can dance (we can dance)
Everybody's taking the chance (we can dance)
It's safe to dance
It's safety dance

731,197 views 09/04/24 Crazy

Xanex Rookie Humiliates Herself

First impressions are important. Unless of course your name is Kandi Baby and have access to more pharmaceuticals than Liver King. Whoever thought it was a good idea to release this pornographic lobotomy probably saw The Marvels on opening day too.

1,048,435 views 12/04/23 Cum Perfection Crazy

Prostitute Never Saw it Coming

I don't think that title and/or thumb truly convey the crossover that's about to happen here. But if it costs $50,000 to get an 8 pack of Oscar Mayer's uncured wieners into a female's dung funnel, then life is no longer worth living. Inflation did this.

2,392,883 views 10/05/23 Czech Streets Crazy

This is How Juggalos Procreate

Traditional association with Juggalos tends to be littered with words like disfigured and faygo and the aroma of a Sudanese outhouse... but not today. I'll bet my bottom dollar underneath all of that Walmart makeup, Krustina the Klown is a girl worth getting to know. Support them [-HERE-] and [-HERE-]

1,119,754 views 08/14/23 Crazy

Psychotic 18 Year Old Terrorizes Strangers

One of those rare moments where I can overlook the obvious health code violations because the performance is legendary. Be sure to leave them a ★★★★★ Yelp review. Something along the lines of: Service was fast. Getting pubic lice was faster.

1,603,659 views 08/07/23 Crazy

Incredible Acts, Depraved Humans 5

Mobilized midgets, successfully executed autocunnilngus and the recreation of a sexual maneuver that put Okinawa on the map. It's safe to say this hodgepodge of misfits is more well rounded than a Golden Corral dinner special. Want more? PARTS: [-1-] [-2-] [-3-] [-4-]

2,758,977 views 05/10/23 Incredible Acts, DEPRAVED HUMANS

Threesomes: You're Doing it Wrong

Before jimmies start rustling, some actual research went into this group. The girl is [Lola Mai]. [Her BF] as cameraman and notorious punching bag [Katie K] rounds out the trio. This is all [consensual], but the recent uptick in torture porn is a tad concerning. Probably has something to do with that damn high fructose corn syrup again. Support them [here] I guess?

2,341,764 views 05/04/23 Crazy


First attempts at delivering a beat down in meat town [1:53], a possible Resident Evil 4 cosplay [3:27] and a language barrier so ridiculous I might have to give the girl her own special section on this site in the future. [4:17] If your Tinder profile doesn't have the words butt poosy fuck on it, why even try?

1,706,958 views 04/17/23 CAMTASTROPHES

Illegal in 49 States

Our boy is having domicile problems of the synthetic drug variety, and it's fucking up his after-work Roblox clan war. The charges? Breaking and entering, aggravated harassment, disorderly conduct and skidmarking Target's finest bedroom linen. Tensions rise, police are called, I laugh. Pretty funny shit.

1,735,343 views 03/09/23 Crazy

Incredible Acts, Depraved Humans 4

Today's menu? Uninsurable throat damage, the strongest rectum in Texas, more chain mail than Scott Steiner's closet, a recipe banned from 78% of Gordon Ramsay's restaurants and an erection even Penn and Teller can't explain to you. Good luck have fun.

2,461,414 views 01/12/23 Incredible Acts, DEPRAVED HUMANS

50 Cumshot Breakdown

Today we witness the consequences of a pair of unprepared siblings literally biting off more than they can chew. Let's just say, getting caught in the crossfire of 4 dozen men that consider cabbage and beer a major food group, wasn't the one-way ticket to fame they originally thought it was haha.

1,623,372 views 11/21/22 Breakdowns

Bad Boyfriends 2

Dude at the 2:00 mark must have went as Apocolypto for Halloween in 2006 and forgot to take the costume off, and I have no doubt our Scottish socialite's rectal contractions look like they just graduated a course in sign language. Go ahead and tell me nice guys actually do win again?

2,695,015 views 11/10/22 Bad Boyfriends

Survival is Not Guaranteed

Tiny Texie is built like an action figure and Cotton Candi is 1 Wendy's coupon book away from putting the entire insulin industry on tilt. In other words: This may be the greatest love story our generation has ever told.

1,659,569 views 05/26/22 Crazy

How to End a Pornstar's Career

The infamous scene that would ultimately end the Tour de Anus otherwise known as Jessie Roger's run as a pornstar. Her body would suffer more abuse than an uncooked piece of beef in front of Gordon Ramsay... but was it rly enough to force early retirement? u tell me, bruh.

3,082,826 views 01/10/22 Hardcore Gangbang Crazy

"The Best Experience of My Life"

I'll leave you with some wisdom my acquaintance at Panda Express bestowed upon me: Never underestimate a woman's will to feed. She may have the phenotype of a New Jersey soccer mom... but when the adrenaline hits, watch the fuck out.

2,677,127 views 09/16/21 Rocco Siffredi Breakdowns
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