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Thin Cut Meat

162,368 views 02/11/15

Date Night

180,793 views 02/10/15

Manlet VS Swedish Pornstar

Oi vey, a lost little boy with a shaved ass hops on the bang bus to get seduced and humiliated by a porn goddess. She plays with him like he is just her own personal dreidel of lulzy love.

4,484,508 views 02/10/15 Bang Bus Bang Bus Chronicles


174,477 views 02/08/15

Urban Deer

152,509 views 02/07/15

Bored With Retirement

166,265 views 02/06/15

Now Thats Hardcore

170,888 views 02/05/15

Horribly Catchy Musical Pornography

In Russia, a fake farm equipped with disco lights and some thot lip syncing catchy dance music while fucking for 20 minutes is quality porn. I'm not totally convinced, but the song does have a 'pavlov's dog' effect on my boner now.

2,487,439 views 02/05/15 LULZ

It's Not That Bad

200,000 views 02/04/15

Night Light

152,303 views 01/30/15

'Original P'

Back in the mid 1900's, she was Italy's "Original Pornstar". Today she's senile, decrepit and probably doesn't even know whats going on but someone let her out the nursing home for one last porno shoot.

4,292,520 views 01/30/15 Bizarre

Ladies Man

149,342 views 01/29/15 LULZ

The Superman

140,706 views 01/28/15 LULZ

Tool Shopping

148,520 views 01/27/15

Whos Next

158,696 views 01/23/15

Hilarious Oral Sex Fail

College level alcoholism and risk seeking behavior has led them to a ratchet motel, wasted off vodka red bulls and making a quick $100 each. Shouldn't be any surprise that these girls never did porn again.

3,275,153 views 01/23/15 NebraskaCoeds Fail

Wait Your Turn

197,678 views 01/19/15

Fashion Statement

146,967 views 01/12/15

Like A Virgin

166,191 views 01/12/15

I'm Loving It

141,237 views 01/12/15
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