Tory Lane Videos

18,112,292 combined views

Crying Over Fake Cum

This is Tory Lane. She's already been on eFukt twice before pulling the exact same shit... but this time her bitch-fit is a bit unwarranted. Some fake cum (apparently made from sugar) accidentally ends up in her hair and she nearly breaks into tears over it.

2,661,054 views 07/04/10 Earl Miller Fail

Rage Quit

Tory Lane has two rules. Dont touch her tattoos & dont beat the shit out of her face. Talk about high standards.. but this fiery eyed slut isnt fucking around . One of her costars decides to test her anyway, resulting in a brief but epic rage quit.

3,517,453 views 06/01/11 Fail

Shit Pornstars Say 1

Lulz tier verbal diarrhea from the worlds top whores. It's a good thing emotional scars aren't visible on the outside or some these girls would look like Freddy Krueger.

3,571,428 views 10/09/13 Shit Pornstars Say

Porn's Biggest Losers

Little engines that just fucking couldn't. If there was a "Special Olympics" for sexual performance, these guys would still be the underdogs of the league. The other retards would prolly bully them.

4,076,163 views 10/30/13 LULZ

WTF Moments In Pornography 2

Five of the most WTF porn moments we could find. A cum covered slut beating up a midget, the first female cumshot caught on film, Tory Lane's broken brain and an innocent question with a very questionable answer.

2,627,356 views 03/20/18 WTF

Beatdown at the Beaver Bidet

Tip of the Day: Allowing any part of your body to find it's way in between a fully-enraged Tory Lane and a device that was designed to un-crust last night's Pinto Bean Soufflé isn't a constructive use of your time. You stand about as much chance of going home unscathed as a WSB does being profitable.

1,658,838 views 02/26/21 Crazy
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