Categories / Hookers

Affordable Prostitutes: Giving birth to the "Pay to Win" meta before before Playstation was a thing. No trophies to collect here though. Unless unlocking ghonnacyphaherpalaids is a thing.

When Ordering A Prostitute Goes Wrong

Two things you should definitely abandon before agreeing to have sex with total strangers: Self-respect and Beef-a-roni. One of these is more important than the other, and I'm just gonna let you figure out what order they should be in.

1,042,705 views 08/05/24 Hookers

Buy A Daughter, Get the Mom Free: Part 2

The only thing more arousing than a mother renting our her own flesh and blood to the tune of a 2 for 1 BOGO flash sale, is the sequel of a mother renting our her own flesh and blood to the tune of a 2 for 1 BOGO flash sale. I don't know about you but my shrimp roll just got supersized. [PART 1]

1,637,246 views 06/19/23 Asian Sex Diary Hookers

Buy A Daughter, Get the Mom Free

It's pretty unbelievable what kind of deals still exist if you're willing to put in the work and find them. No need to negotiate on price either. Just lay down your $27USD and let the all you can eat vaginitis begin.

1,913,094 views 06/12/23 Asian Sex Diary Hookers

Female Empowerment and Porn

Go ahead and label this the blurring of lines between equality in the work place and PTSD, as illustrated by sex acts that have led more adult diaper sales than In n' Out's Animal Style. Never before has adult entertainment made me prouder of my cataclysmic cache of Walmart rewards points.

1,730,628 views 03/06/23 Hookers

This is What Prostitution Really Looks Like

Turns out fertilizing your own family tree isn't the only extra curricular activity people practice in Frogballs, Arkansas. Just don't be misled by The Rat King's lack of hygiene; Your respect for the modern day alpha male begins here and now.

2,717,400 views 02/14/22 Hookers

Horrendous Hookers

The downside of trying to get your nut off on a $7 dollar budget? This. Every fucking second of this video is why you should always save 10% of your sheckles and wait to splurge outside of the Black Friday Mental Hospital Manager's Special of expired street meat. #yick

2,454,429 views 11/24/20 Hookers

Hooker of the Year 2019

Poor prosti gets sandbagged by a local gentleman who's only sexual experience involves Walmart's checkout line & Colt 45. But apparently her dugout is built for the major leagues, cause despite his John McLane ingenuity... she still walks away with a smile. Fucking amazing.

3,168,190 views 12/16/19 Hookers

The Special Needs Prostitute

Blue-balled midgets, schizophrenic autists, Miley Cyrus' fan base... this woman's sexual clientele is more well-rounded than IHOP's farmhouse breakfast. Unfortunately there's no visuals of penetration. But what it lacks in nightmares... it makes up for in California's voting pool.

2,185,661 views 10/26/19 Hookers

My Dead Sugar Daddy Made Me Millions

The insane story of an emotionally disabled prostitute/pornstar/sugar baby/urinal-for-hire with HPV and herpes that literally wrote the book on being a whore - 9 times. She claims her dead sugar daddy made her a millionaire and now haunts her... wow.

1,711,315 views 04/01/19 Hookers

19-years-old and RUINED

There's only two people on Earth that should never be caught fishing for brown trouts: Lindsay Lohan in her 'i'll snort Tide Pods' phase, and this chick. She's 19, anti-semen and dumber than a mailbox on Sunday. In other words: she was BORN for eFukt.

3,375,191 views 02/05/18 Crack Whore Confessions Hookers

The Biggest Whore In History

For a hooker/pornstar, she honestly seems like one of the nicest people ever. Even if her butthole looks like the queen alien from "Starship Troopers" and possibly carries multiple strains of the same venereal diseases.

3,768,302 views 02/16/14 Ava Devine Hookers

Escort Flips Her Shit On Client

If you we're an emotionally messed up prostitute, I'm sure you would fucking hate talking about your life too. But would you hate it more then sucking the dick of a self-titled "crack whore connoisseur"? More crazy in the source link.

3,104,491 views 09/07/13 Crack Whore Confessions Hookers

Ratchet Hookers Under $20

It's always rough times for busted drug addicted cum dumpsters. Learn what it really takes to become a professional sexual punching bag for the below average Joe willing to risk STD's for cheap sex.

3,231,391 views 08/09/13 Crack Whore Confessions Hookers

Hooker Accidentally Craps Herself

CHAIN REACTION: she gives a shitty blowjob > he retaliates by ejaculating in her mouth, (big no-no) > unexpected putrid jizz causes her to gag uncontrollably > heavy coughing puts pressure on already loose anus > splat, a Hershey Kiss is born. Similar video HERE.

3,086,007 views 07/21/11 Black Vagina Finder Hookers

Hobo Outwits Prostitute [CLASSIC]

Hobo Jones coughs up 5 singles for a back alley knob-slob. Takes all but 23 seconds to reach climax, at which point he immediately helps himself to a full refund by forcefully robbing her and running for dear life... leaving her in the dust with a mouthful of bum cum! Instant classic.

3,248,309 views 06/11/11 Hookers

Storytime With A Crackwhore

Slut junkie reminisces about her previous employer - some Screech-looking motherfucker that literally blew a $100,000 inheritance entirely on prostitutes hired for nothing more than to eat Taco Bell and deficate on his face. In other words.. dude's a legend.

2,403,842 views 11/14/10 Crack Whore Confessions Hookers

Crackwhore Confesses To Incest!

Everytime her son's cock gets brought up, her eyes widen like a fat kid at Taco Bell. It's pretty creepy. Almost as creepy as that basketball-sized tumor hanging from her mid section. Seriously, what the fuck is that?

2,114,542 views 02/14/10 Hookers

Pocahontas Accidentally Shits Herself

An Indian prostitute that speaks in ebonics and lacks basic potty training? Some women are just born to be on eFukt.

2,768,974 views 12/23/09 Hookers
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