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10 of the Most Intense Orgasms Ever

Get ready to endure more than 9 of the craziest and most intense orgasms ever filmed. Orgasms that "feels good on muh dick" and require the use of phrases like "hosed down", "came buckets" and sloots saying "omg" 9001x.

5,219,970 views 10/28/14 Ridiculous Orgasms

INCREDIBLE: 3 Orgasms in 90 Seconds

A truly beautiful ballad about a girl that makes pterodactyl sex noises and a man that pulls off one of the most amazing sexual achievements ever filmed. I think we all wish we had a little Jimmy in us.

4,322,698 views 06/20/14 Porn Fidelity Ridiculous Orgasms

11 of the Craziest Orgasms Ever

I think we all know what really happened to that Malaysian airplane, as we've all seen Donnie Darko and know about the government cover up. But hey, all I'm really trying to say is that at least the G-spot is easier to find than Flight 370.

5,873,705 views 03/20/14 Ridiculous Orgasms

100 Most Brutal Orgasms of all Time

The finest collection of eardrum destroying, vomit inducing orgasms you'll wish you never saw. Emphasis on the whole wishing you never saw this shit part. One dude nuts so hXc that he actually ruptures a fucking blood vessel and spurts red. 2.15 mark. You've been warned.

5,429,769 views 06/15/13 Ridiculous Orgasms

13 Most Ridiculous Orgasms Ever

First time squirters, prolapse-induced climaxes and bittersweet hategasms... today's vid has more variety than a fuckin Sizzler salad bar. Best comes last, so I recommend you see this one all the way through.

11,448,495 views 05/02/12 Ridiculous Orgasms

The 10 Worst Orgasms Ever Filmed

Compilation of the most obnoxious, flaccidity inducing-orgasms you'll ever witness.

7,041,092 views 11/06/11 Ridiculous Orgasms

Anal Orgasms DO Exist

No stimulation of the clit. No vibrator in the pussy hole. This is a woman that can legitimately cum her brains out from nothing more than a good ol' ass pounding. God bless.

5,129,771 views 07/26/11 Orgasms

Priceless O-Face

Another one of those videos where some pornstar is left flopping around like Terri Schiavo on speed after experiencing the Optimus Prime of all orgasms. This chick takes it a step further, introducing Human Bobblehead Mode at the 1:55 mark. All sorts of awesome.

4,906,049 views 01/09/11 Device Bondage Ridiculous Orgasms

Girl Orgasms Via Rollercoaster

I love how the dude stops laughing and goes completely silent once he realizes his girlfriend wasn't joking about having an orgasm. Sorry Peter, your cock just got one-upped by a cheap carnival ride. HUMILIATION.

3,017,143 views 08/11/10 Orgasms

Keep Eating It!

Ugly amateur slut has her pussy eaten out for the first time & has some insane orgasms. I wonder how she acts when she has her salad tossed?

2,395,166 views 01/17/08 Orgasms
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