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Friday Morning in California

Essentially this is a public service announcement on the cons and cons of touring San Fransisco. Some will live to tell the tale. Others will merge with Skid Row through osmosis. But all will learn the defintion of of "Ordering the Portuguese Breakfast".

1,660,978 views 07/27/19 Nasty

19-years-old and RUINED

There's only two people on Earth that should never be caught fishing for brown trouts: Lindsay Lohan in her 'i'll snort Tide Pods' phase, and this chick. She's 19, anti-semen and dumber than a mailbox on Sunday. In other words: she was BORN for eFukt.

3,380,232 views 02/05/18 Crack Whore Confessions Hookers

Crackhead Hates Anal

Inside an abandoned and/or bombed out building, Alfredo, the HIV immune crackwhore whisperer, has negotiated some condomless butt sex from the neighborhoods most ratchet cum dumpster.

3,558,680 views 10/30/16 Anal

Costume Fail

KIng Leonidas upstaged by a naked crackhead. What the fuck is the world coming too.

1,052,385 views 06/03/11
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