Categories / Gloryhole

For the social butterflies that just can't stop themselves from making new friends in Walmart bathrooms.

BF Encourages 10-Dick Cheating Apocalypse

Girl Bosses: You won.

989,815 views 02/26/24 Gloryhole Swallow Gloryhole

Educating a Glory Hole Rookie

Professional cuck-enabler Mariah Leonne takes a mouth-first dive into new territory; only to end up filming what may very well be the first "moment I changed teams" ever caught on video. For some strange reason, they broke up right after this.

2,882,531 views 04/22/21 Gloryhole

Bad Glory Hole Etiquette

7 samples into a hot dog warming party goes horribly wrong when one rogue cowboy says fuck all to the rules and slings his gentleman juice around like he's in the handicap stall at Country Buffet. The result is a crash course on Plan-B and why IQ tests need to be mandatory in porn. [More Here]

2,866,777 views 01/05/20 Gloryhole Swallow Gloryhole

Czech Porn is Still Horrible

Essentially a hybrid of a "Got Milk?" PSA & a GWAR concert. Or in more comprehensive terms: 1-part health consciousness, 274-parts batshit fuckin aspergers. #NEVERFORGET.

1,799,873 views 10/18/18 Gloryhole

The Return of the Giggliest Girl in Porn

She started with some nude modeling, went straight into 10+ guy glory hole sessions and then promptly disa-fuckin-peared. What ever happened to our beloved Claire? [Original Video]

2,879,119 views 12/27/14 Gloryhole Swallow Gloryhole

The Giggliest Girl in Porn Returns

What weighs 95 pounds, likes the look of cock, and gets messy at the Arizona glory hole? Yeah, that chick. Personally she annoys me to death, but some of you fukr's can't get enough.

3,223,274 views 04/07/14 Gloryhole Swallow Gloryhole

The Giggliest Girl in Porn

There's 3 things that simply no longer exist in my world: 1) pornography induced erections 2) positive feedback on my 'this is what a feminist looks like' tee and 3) dinners at P.F. Changs that do NOT result in 1st degree burns to my anus. This vid solved 2 outta 3.

9,433,545 views 04/17/13 Gloryhole Swallow Favorites

Small Cocks @ The Gloryhole

Two best friends, both packing about as much meat as Earthworm Jim, head to the local glory hole for a good time. Penile deficient guy #1 gets laughed out the booth, while the 2nd is given a standing chance but ultimately lacks the inches neccessary for a practical performance. haha.

3,467,451 views 05/11/11 Gloryhole

Tricked Into Having Gay Sex

Moral of the story: always be able to identify the person sucking your cock, unless you're totally cool with putting your sexuality in harms way. Some risks just aren't worth taking. See more guys tricked into being gay homosexuals on the BAIT BUS.

2,908,283 views 09/23/08 Bait Bus Gloryhole
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